Sedation Dentistry in Arlington, Virginia

Convenient | Friendly | Comfortable

Don’t let fear and anxiety keep you from a beautiful, healthy smile.

Ease and comfort during dental procedures are not just a luxury—they are essential, and at CNS Dental, we wholeheartedly believe in making your dental experience as stress-free as possible. This is where sedation dentistry comes into the picture, providing a serene dental visit with Dr. Cara Schantz.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry utilizes medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s ideal for those who experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist, ensuring that dental health is never compromised by such concerns.

Reasons for Sedation Dentistry

Patients opt for sedation dentistry for several reasons, such as:

  • Dental anxiety or phobia: If a simple tooth cleaning makes you anxious, sedation dentistry might be the answer for you to get back to regular oral care.
  • Sensitive teeth or low pain threshold: Sedation not only makes you calm, but it helps with pain management.
  • Gag reflexes that interfere with dental work: We can get your regular cleanings and procedures back to an effective level by reducing a gag reflex that usually prevents dental tools from properly maneuvering.
  • Major dental procedures: If you have a lot of work being done, or will be in the dentist’s chair for a long time, sedation can help time fly by with a significant reduction of pain.

Types of Sedation

At CNS Dental, we tailor the sedation to your needs:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Also known as “laughing gas,” this mild sedative allows you to relax while remaining conscious.
  • Oral Sedation: Taken in pill form before the appointment, this type of sedation can range from minimal to moderate.
  • IV Sedation: Administered through a vein, this allows the dentist to continually adjust the level of sedation.

Need more patient information like insurance and financing options or post-operative instructions?

IV Sedation vs Oral Sedation

Understanding the difference between IV and oral sedation can help you make an informed decision:

  • IV Sedation: Offers immediate effects and can be adjusted in real-time for deeper sedation.
  • Oral Sedation: Easy to administer and doesn’t involve needles, but requires time to take effect and isn’t as easily adjustable.

Sedation Dentistry FAQ

Absolutely, when administered by a professional like Dr. Schantz. You will be monitored the whole time to make sure you stay healthy and safe.

It depends on the sedation level, but most sedation dentistry allows you to remain awake but relaxed.

For most sedation methods, you’ll need someone to drive you home after your appointment.

As with any medication, we’ll check each patient’s health history to make sure you’re a good candidate. Dr. Cara Schantz will keep a sharp eye out for anything that could put you at risk. Keep yourself safe: Be sure to let our team know of any allergies or health conditions that may interfere with sedation!

Sedation dentistry is safe for children. As with all patients, we’ll check your child’s health history to make sure they’re a good candidate for sedation. Help keep our office informed of any allergies or health conditions your child might have that could interfere with sedation!

Pricing and Insurance

The benefits of sedation dentistry are priceless, providing a way to receive necessary dental care without fear or discomfort. To ensure our services are accessible:

  • We offer transparent pricing on all sedation options.
  • Our team will help navigate your insurance benefits to optimize coverage.
  • Flexible payment plans and financing are available to accommodate different budgets.

Call to Schedule an Appointment Today

Your comfort is our priority. Call CNS Dental at (703) 304-3881 to learn more about sedation options and schedule an appointment with Dr. Cara Schantz. Embrace a tranquil, fear-free dental experience with our sedation dentistry services.

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About Us

I had the best experience with Dr. Cara Schantz! She had the most respectful bedside manner, listened thoroughly to any concerns, and developed a very thoughtful plan for my specific needs. Plus she was so positive about everything! What a gem.

–- Jessica