Knowing when or if you need a root canal is difficult to determine on your own. During the early stages of the issue, you may have high hopes that more attention to your general oral hygiene can solve the problem. While consistent oral hygiene practices are beneficial for preventing cavities and other more extreme oral issues, once a problem has begun, it can only be addressed by a certified dentist.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a fairly standard procedure to treat tooth pain caused by the decay of infected teeth or gums. During a root canal, your dentist will remove the infected material and the nerve from the inner passages of the tooth between the pulp and tooth roots. Removing the nerve relieves the area of pain and infection.

Signs of a Root Canal:

  • Persistent Pain: Severe and consistent tooth pain is a primary indicator of issues within the tooth root and gumline.
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold: A common sign of tooth infection or decay is sensitivity when drinking hot or cold drinks. Even if it’s a dull ache, this could be a sign of the beginning stages of decay and progress to sharp, intense pain.
  • Swollen Gums: Red and swollen gums are a sign of problems beneath the surface level of the tooth. Infection within the gumline can quickly spread to other areas of the body and cause life-threatening infections. If you notice swollen and red gums, speak with your dentist immediately.
  • Chipped or cracked tooth: When there is a crack in the tooth an indicator can also be pain on biting or pain to pressure. If you have these consistent symptoms, it is best to get the tooth evaluated to see if this is the issue. If left untreated, the crack can begin to spread and expand down the root of the tooth and eventually the tooth can split. When this occurs, the tooth will need to be extracted.

If you are experiencing these symptoms and suspect a potential dental issue, contact us today! We offer a variety of emergency dental services. The best way to address dental problems however is to prevent them from happening in the first place! Scheduling regular dental appointments is the best way to prevent dental issues from occurring. Make your regular cleaning appointment with us today!