If you have a dental insurance plan in Northern VA or the DMV area, chances are you or your employer are paying a premium each month. Don’t lose out on the money you have already spent by taking advantage of your insurance benefits before they expire at the end of the year. Dental insurance plans can be easier to figure out than medical insurance plans, so give your insurance a call and see what benefits you may be missing out on!

Schedule Your Routine Dental Visit

Insurance companies often encourage preventative and diagnostic care because these services can save them and you more money by not having to pay for additional costly treatments in the future. This explains why most dental insurance plans offered in the Northern VA, DC metro area cover the cost of two routine dental cleanings, exams, and sometimes fluoride treatments each year.

Many people go for years without visiting their dentist or wait too long even after symptoms appear. Root canals, cavities, and gum disease can become painful and lead to costly treatment if not caught early. Take advantage of the preventative services your insurance covers by scheduling your routine visit before your benefits expire and encourage your loved ones to schedule their appointments too!

Our dental office in Arlington VA has easy access to major highways going to and from DC or wherever you live in Northern VA. Schedule your next cleaning before benefits expire at the end of the year. You will leave the dentist with your teeth feeling refreshed and the comfort of knowing you are giving your only set of teeth the best chance to stay healthy.

Maximize Your Dental Benefits

More extensive dental treatments such as fillings, root canals, crowns and bridges can be split between this year and next year. In this way, patients can meet their maximum for this year and take advantage of the new benefit plan starting in the new year. We can help patients minimize out-of-pocket expenses by scheduling treatments with consideration to insurance.

In order to understand the value of using your benefits before the end of the year or how to split up scheduling treatments, it’s important to understand how deductibles work. An insurance deductible is how much a patient must pay before insurance covers a treatment. For example, if the deductible is $300 and this amount has been paid by the patient, the insurance will cover a percentage off the remaining balance on approved care. The amount varies by policy, as does the co-pay amount you may still have to pay after the deductible is met. To find out exact numbers, contact your insurance company or our office to get estimates for how much a procedure will cost this year in contrast to when the policy renews.

FSA Accounts Expire Too

Some Northern VA and DC area employers offer Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) to their employees. At the end of the year, you lose any money you or your employer put into the account and have not spent. FSA accounts and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) may cover different services or help cover what your dental insurance plan may not. Check now to see what you have left in your account and if it will cover services you may have been postponing. Some plans can be used to cover professional teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, and braces. If you don’t use your FSA funds, you lose them.

No Insurance? No Problem

If you don’t have dental insurance or an FSA or HSA account, contact our dental office in Arlington VA about payment plans and special discounts.  Some dental treatments that are more medical in nature may have some coverage through your medical insurance.

Schedule Your Next Appointment Today

Time slots fill up quickly at the end of the year as patients are trying to make the most of their dental insurance benefits. The earlier you schedule, the more we will be able to work with you and your schedule to maximize your dental benefits. Plus, there will be one less thing for you to cross off your list as the holidays approach. Give yourself the gift of a healthy smile!

Learn more about our insurance and financing options here.

Book an appointment with Dr. Schantz or Dr. Ghorab today!

Contact Us or Call us at 703-304-3881